The Spectrum of Safety: Uniting UV-C and AI
Biosafety for all
The nexus of UV-C innovation and artificial intelligence. Our platform offers a one-stop solution for all your UV-C needs, combining a curated disinfection technology marketplace with proprietary advanced AI SaaS tools for precise fluence measurement, protocol optimization, and energy efficiency.
CovspectUV: A revolutionary AI SaaS platform transforming UV-C fluence management in disaster relief, healthcare, agriculture, and aerospace.
Advanced sensors track UV-C fluence management in real-time for optimal pathogen control, supported by a leading proprietary pathogen control database detailing microbial UV-C dosing protocol. Specialized aerospace modules enhance UV-C deployment in aircraft, boosting safety and cutting costs. With open API architecture, and seamless system integration, CovspectUV delivers advanced UV monitoring, and AI data analytics. Discover the future of UV-C fluence management with CovspectUV – precision-driven innovation for cleaner, safer environments on Earth and beyond.
A centralized biosafety platform, Covspect’s Bio-Store marketplace offers innovative solutions for disinfection, and energy-efficient pathogen control. The solutions below are all offered via Covspect’s Bio-Store.
Run fast, accurate, clean airflow rate and air change rate tests with Poppy.
Help you discover energy cost savings in overventilated areas
Identify underventilated areas to adjust for ASHRAE 241 compliance and occupant wellness
Get fast, actionable results and recommendations while onsite
Measure Clean Air Delivery (ECAi, VECAi) and Air Change Rate (eACH)
Score the building's Wildfire Smoke Clearance rate
Quantify the impact of your services and products with before/after tests
Run a single test to measure the contribution of all-natural and mechanical ventilation, filtration, and purification in a room's breathing zone
What is the Hydroxyl and why is it so effective?
• Hydroxyls occur naturally in the earth’s atmosphere as a result of sunlight colliding with water vapour.
• This reaction reduces H2O to OH which is incredibly unstable but therein lies its advantage.
• The Hydroxyl destroys all pathogens on contact. This is why we talk about “Fresh Air” all that is courtesy of this natural phenomenon.
• We inhale Hydroxyl Radicals every time we breathe in air. They are perfectly safe.
• Our system replicates what occurs naturally outdoors, indoors so any space can now be virus and bacteria free.
• No chemicals or toxins are used in our process.
Simply plug into the mains and enjoy 24/7 protection.
The TUMIGlow benchtop device is set to transform hop latent viroid (HLVd) diagnostic testing in cannabis cultivation. This innovative device brings the power of TUMI Genomics' validated, accurate, and rapid science directly to your fingertips, providing a practical and dependable solution for on-site testing.
Powered by Sterilray
222nm Far UV technology is safe, sustainable, mercury-free, and does not produce ozone. Validated by over 40 third-party lab studies with a greater than 99.99% effective kill rate.
GermBuster Sabre - Powered by Far-UV 222nm Sterilray™
Utilizes human-safe 222nm Far-UV technology with a Sterilray 30,000 lamp life warranty.
120/240 power supply or use a DC adapter to run off a 2.5 Ah EGO battery. (Not included)
› Dry, chemical-free 222nm far UV-C portable surface/air disinfection
Far-UV Sterilray™ (aka Far-UVC) is safe for human eye and skin exposure.
Green Craft Distribution - Testimonial on Sterilray’s Can Air device
“The difference within a week was more than noticeable, spots that would get PM no matter what precaution we took, clearly showed no signs of returning PM. The unit is super easy to use, just drop it down inside a carbon filter with an in-line fan and turn it on. I would say we saw an overall reduction in PM of 80-90%, and this is with our air system always pulling in outside air, if that wasn’t happening than I think we would see 90-100% reduction.”
Introducing, UV-Angel for Air Purification
The UV Angel team has a singular focus: make the world a cleaner and safer place for everybody. They use years of advanced research and the latest developments in ultraviolet light technology to reduce harmful pathogens on the surfaces we touch and in the air we breathe.
Theresa Haley
Lead for Infection Control, Veterans Integration Service Network 4, Lebanon VA Medical Center
"Using UV-C with room-level air purification was a commonsense solution to combat the spread of the Coronavirus. Once we installed the systems into the isolation wing where our most critical cases were placed, the outbreak was contained to that unit. Another important element is the employees feel better knowing that the system is in place and treating the air."
UV-C LED Water Treatment with AquiSense Technologies
AquiSense Technologies, a subsidiary of Nikkiso Co Ltd (6376.T-JP:Tokyo Stock Exchange), and also the market leader in UV-C LED disinfection systems is now offered by Covspect. Nikkiso is the world’s leading manufacturer of UV-C LEDs, utilizing core technology from Nobel Prize recipients. AquiSense is an award-winning manufacturer of UV-C LED water disinfection systems with sustainable LEDs at the core of each design.

UV-C LED Water Treatment
Fresh-Aire UV: Health-Care Disinfection HVAC Applications
Mold, bacteria, viruses, and odor-causing and potentially toxic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are airborne threats that are invisible. Treating HVAC and indoor air with ultraviolet germicidal irradiation is a safe, scientifically proven, and established disinfection technology that Fresh-Aire UV has been deploying since 1988.
Download the Fresh-Aire UV HVAC sizing survey below, and email it back to sales@covspect.com for a FREE QUOTE
There are several reasons why hospitals should consider deploying UV-C light for their HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems:
By using UV-C light to disinfect the air, hospitals can reduce the spread of HAIs. This is particularly important in settings where patients with compromised immune systems or highly contagious diseases are present.
UV-C light can help to improve the overall indoor air quality in hospitals by reducing the number of pathogens present. This can help to create a healthier environment for patients and healthcare workers.
UV-C light disinfection systems for HVAC are fast to install. This makes them a convenient option for hospitals looking to implement effective disinfection protocols that reduce HAIs.
After studying the benefits of UV-C, Sentara Albemarle Medical Center made a decision to look into installing UV-C lighting in one of their older air handlers that had a problem with a build-up of microbes on the coil, especially heavy accumulations near the drip pan area. Sentara Albemarle Medical Center Facilities Director, Gordon Phelps, provided the following testimonial regarding the deployment:
“The results have been extremely positive with no microbial build-up on the new air handlers and a pronounced decrease in the build-up on the older air handlers. We have been monitoring the performance and after one year of service, we have found that the coils and drip pans are showing noticably cleaner surfaces and we have not had to chemically treat the coils or drip pan in any of the installed UV applications.”
- Gordon Phelps, Facilities Director
Albemarle Hospital, Elizabeth City, N.C.
The creators of the dishwasher-safe, bleach-safe, waterproof, keyboards & mice. Their Electroclave UV-C LED Sanitization Systems and computer peripherals have been deployed to over 400+ Healthcare facilities. Seal Clean UV Resistant Screen Protectors help maintain your LCD screens where UV disinfection is present.
Improve your Facility’s Disinfection Protocol
Smartphones are the third hand that we never wash. Is your facility still relying on less efficient chemical sprays to disinfect high-touch items like smartphones, tablets, watches, keys, and badges? Electroclave solves these issues by using patented UV technology and intelligent software.
Donate to UV4Good
Covspect is an official partner of UV4Good.org. UV4Good is a US 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to providing access to clean drinking water to people in need. With each Covspect order, we will be including a donation payment option to UV4Good to help bring safe and clean water to Ukranians, Kenyans and soon to be Mexicans suffering from contaminated water. Both UV4Good and Covspect are committed to providing clean water to those that need it most - from war zones to polluted cities and parched villages.
DONATE HERE https://www.uv4good.org/donate
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